
2020-10-06 18:58:08 liujinfa

Dear X,
Thank you for your in好作quiry.
Yes, we have this item做做 in stock. How many doyou want? Right n河土ow, we only have X lots of the X 子男color left. Since they areve子動ry popular, the product has a hig光校h risk of selling out soon. Pleas愛鐘e place yourorder as soon as 說爸possible. Thank you!

Best regards,


Dear x,
Thank you for your interests in內路 my item.
I am sorry but we ca議路nt offer you that lowpri要火ce you asked for. We feel that the p飛光rice listed is reasonable 的票and has beencarefully calculated and l物外eaves me limited profit already.
However, wed like to offer you somediscount志玩s on bulk purchases. If your orde相間r is more than X pieces, we will gi朋黃veyou a discount of 會信xx% off.
Please let me know for any fu去到rtherquestions. Thanks.


斷貨 (out of stock)
Dear X,
We are sorry to inform you線件 that this item is out of stock近理 at the moment. We will contact the看鐘 factory to see when they wil兒錢l be available again. Also, we 時報would like to recommend to you some o懂船ther items which are of the same s少話tyle. We hope you like them as well. Yo飛銀u can click on the following li低上nk to check them out志船.
Please let me know for any f數兒urther questions. Thanks.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,
I am sorry for the delayed r空機esponse due to the weekend. Yes,讀算 we have this item in stock綠不. And to show our apology for our d新和elayed response, we will offer 雨很you 10% off. Please place you如厭r order before Frida要為y to enjoy this discount. Thank yo生藍u!
Please let me know if you have any fu睡土rther questions. Thanks.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Hello X,
Thank you for the message. Pl音間ease note that there are on冷子ly 3 days left to get 10% of著信f by making payments with Escrow (c從體redit card, Visa, Master裡分Card, moneybookers or Weste書河rn Union). Please mak跳購e the payment as soon as possible.舞遠 I will also send you an 不爸additional gift to sho體銀w our appreciation.
Please let me know for any further que煙裡stions. Thanks.
Best regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,
If you would like to花相 place one order for many item冷家s, please first clic靜海k "add to cart", th動拿en buy now, and check your address and order 得冷details carefully befo看資re clicking submit. After that, please業見 inform me, and I will cut down the pri相來ce to US$XX. You can refre雪站sh the page to continue your pa麗笑yment. Thank you.
If you have any further ques舞睡tions, please feel free 姐票to contact me.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,
We appreciated your purchase from us.花現 However, we noticed you that havent made the payment yet. This is a frien如朋dly reminder to you to comple了間te the payment transaction as soon as 北哥possible. Instant payment我雪s are very important;雨花 the earlier you pay, the sooner 亮物you will get the item.
If you have any problems making the p討歌ayment, or if you dont want to go through with th農問e order, please let us kn樹雨ow. We can help you to resolv上請e the payment problems o雜學r cancel the order.
Thanks again! Looking forward to h章和earing from you soon.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,We appreciate your o笑農rder from us. You have chosen姐厭 one of the bestselling products 體南in our store. Its very popular for its good quali小和ty and competitive pri著議ce. Right now, we only have 舊靜X lots of the X colors left. We w公店ould like to inform you that this 弟自product has a high risk of sel林懂ling out soon.Woticed t請美hat you hadnt finished the payment pr銀筆ocess for the order. Wed like to offer you a 間風10% discount on your order, if you purc樹少hase now, to ensure that the pr的錢oduct doesnt sell out. We will ship your order wi說會thin 24 hours once your payment is海可 confirmed. If you need an湖樂y help or have any questions, pl快有ease let us know.
(your name)PS: We are one of the們黃 biggest suppliers on AliExpress. Wit你坐h more than 3 years
experience in world trade, we are ab們兵le to provide the best prices, the hi公美ghest quality and the super他醫ior service. We inspec麗相t our products before sh友對ipping them out and prov老匠ide a 1 year warranty for all produ問日cts. We promise to give you a full refu秒理nd if the products are not 間化as described.If you have any question店子s, please contact us; we are happy to h白理elp you.

Dear X,
Unfortunately, free shipping for t東對his item is unavailable; I am sorry 時聽for the confusion. Free Shippi男媽ng is only for packages 用們weighing less than 2kg, which can農微 be shipped via China Post Air Mail.現多 However, the item you would like 店坐to purchase weighs more tha美有n 2kg. You can either choose another那朋 express carrier, such厭冷 as UPS or DHL (which will inclu如可de shipping fees, but which are a拿河lso much faster). You can place the 爸得orders separately, mak農子ing sure each order 音亮weighs less than 2kg, t新如o take advantage of free shipping.
If you have any further關和 questions, please fe就學el free to contact me.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

海關稅 (customs tax)
Dear X,
Thank you for your inquiry and I am 山樹happy to contact you.
I understand that you are worrie畫但d about any possible不妹 extra cost for this item. Based on pas習車t experience, import taxes fall日白s into two situations.
First, in most countries, it綠開 did not involve any extra紙視 expense on the buyer side for similar 飛道small or low-cost items.
Second, in some individual cases, buyer男厭s might need to pay some imp員作ort taxes or customs鐵長 charges even when their purchase站們 is small. As to specific rates, plea跳煙se consult your local custom物新s office.
I appreciate for your understanding男習!

(Your name)

Dear X,
Thank you for your inquiry業花.
I am sorry to inform you that our stor慢費e is not able to provi地現de shipping service to your country. H算術owever, if you plan to sh體道ip your orders to other countries數厭, please let me know; hopefully 影飛we can accommodate future員兒 orders.
I appreciate for your unde行男rstanding!

(Your name)

Dear X,
Thank you for shopping wit船風h us.
We have shipped out your or看就der (order ID: xxx) on討水 Feb. 10th by EMS. The tracking numbe信得r is xxx. It will take 5-10 workdays 技鐘to reach your destination, bu鐘如t please check the trac從妹king information for updated informat開麗ion. Thank you for your物舊 patience!
If you have any further questions, plea麗年se feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,
Thank you for your inqui不慢ry; I am happy to contact you.
We would like to con們唱firm that we sent the pa金弟ckage on 16 Jan, 2012. Howev男年er, we were informed package看著 did not arrive due to shi雨房pping problems with t信刀he delivery company. We 上暗have re-sent your order by EM睡光S; the new tracking number i時理s: XXX. It usually takes 7 days to arr司車ive to your destination. 章弟We are very sorry for th從作e inconvenience. Thank you for your pa日錯tience.

If you have any further questions, p也雪lease feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
(Your name)

Dear X,
Thank you for your inquiry海也; I am happy to contact you.
Regarding your request, I am v笑謝ery sorry to inform you that we are 鐵她not able to offer free sample行門s. To check out our pr林謝oducts we recommend o信飛rdering just one unit 關白of the product (the price may be a lit麗都tle bit higher than orderi國放ng by lot). Otherwis動是e, you can order the full quantity. 自鐘We can assure the quality because ever司很y piece of our product i人飛s carefully examined by our workin快劇g staff. We believe trustworthiness is 時筆the key to a successful business區商.
If you have any further ques志她tions, please feel free業是 to contact me.
Best Regards,
(Your name)